How to contribute to

I’m incredibly energized by the excitement we’ve been receiving about this tool. Many of our users have already reached out to ask how they can help.

Here are a few requests for those hungry to participate:

  1. Give us constructive feedback. What do you want to see do? Help us shape the product by sharing your thoughtful feedback in Feature Requests and #bug-report

  2. Make amazing examples and share them. The AI will only ever be as smart as the examples that it is trained on. Right now this will likely involve editing the code manually. Share your best examples in Showcase for others to see! The best examples may also be incorporated into the training set to improve the generation for everyone.

  3. Contribute to the open source “code CAD” packages that is using to generate the geometries. These are currently:

  4. Share best practices and exciting new tools. This is an incredibly fast-moving space. Share cool stuff & best practices with the community. Help others in How To & Help, share your thoughts in CAD Discussion and AI Discussion.

Thank you for your help!