Basic Instructions

  • Login to do the fun stuff. You can create an account for free.
  • The “Send Query” button will use AI to try to convert your query into python code that represents the geometry.
  • When prompting the AI, it can be helpful to talk through the steps you would take to create the geometry.
  • The AI will try up to 3 times to generate working code. If it fails :dizzy_face:, you can try rephrasing your query.
  • The AI is not perfect, so you may need to tweak the query/code to get it to work. You will likely get very different results in the different code modes.
  • The code in the “Geometry” tab is sandboxed python code with these possible modes:
  • The units are millimeters (mm)
  • “save” is a special variable that will be converted to a mesh
  • If Auto-Generate is on, code changed will automatically be converted to a mesh
  • Otherwise, you can click “Generate Model” to convert the code to a mesh
  • If you see “no model generated”, it means that you need to manually click “Generate Model”
  • There is a console at the bottom of the page that will show any errors that occur while compiling the code
  • :dizzy_face: means there is something wrong with the code. Check the status console for errors.
  • The “Optics” tab allows you to change the color and appearance of the model
  • The “Model” tab allows you to rotate the model and download it as a .glb file
  • Join our community:
  • Built with :black_heart: by polySpectra