February 7, 2024, 10:39pm
A very simple extruded text example:
length, width, thickness, fontsize = 200.0, 100.0, 10.0, 60
plane = Plane.XY
text2d = plane * Text("ne1?", font_size=fontsize, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
text3d = extrude(text2d, amount=thickness)
save = text3d
February 7, 2024, 11:17pm
Slightly more complicated:
# Create a sphere and a box centered at the origin
sphere = Sphere(radius=20)
box = Box(length=30, width=30, height=30)
# Perform a boolean intersection of the sphere and the box
body = sphere & box
planex = Plane.YZ
x2d = planex * Text("X", font_size=25, align=(Align.CENTER))
x3d = extrude(x2d, amount=100).translate((-30, 0, 0))
planey = Plane.XZ
y2d = planey * Text("Y", font_size=25, align=(Align.CENTER))
y3d = extrude(y2d, amount=100).translate((0, 30, 0))
planez = Plane.XY
z2d = planez * Text("Z", font_size=25, align=(Align.CENTER))
z3d = extrude(z2d, amount=100).translate((0, 0, -30))
# Subtract the cylinder assembly from the body
save = body - x3d - y3d- z3d
Perhaps neThing can have a copy/pasta repository for code with simple primitives at the ready for users to construct their model in the text editor
For example: Build123D code for a rectilinear volume that could ‘back’ the extruded text so that a solid BREP is returned, making it printable with the ‘Make It Real’ option
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